Indication of the Meta Characters
^ - Start of Line
$ - End of Line
| - Logical Or
_ - Any Delimeter
? - Zero occasions of the Preceding character
* - Zero Or Mode occasions of the Preceding character
+ - One Or More occasions of the Preceding character
(x) - Combine the encased String as a solitary element
[x] - Wildcard where any position can match the position in As-Path
. - Any Character
_65505$ - Prefixes that End with the As 65505, significance - they were begun by that As
_65505_ - Prefixes that navigated the As 65505
^$ - Locally Originated Prefixes (Start and End of the line)
.* - Any prefix (zero or more occasions of Any character)
^[0-9]+$ - All the prefixes from Directly Connected Ass (significance - they have just 1 As in the As Path)
When Creating The As-Path Acl
Provided that you need to Stop utilizing the recursive calculation as a part of request to have the capacity to control more intricate customary representations
(config-router)#bgp regexp deterministic
Presently you can really Display the prefixes that match your condition in the As-Path before characterizing the As-Path Acl
#show ip bgp regexp Regular_expression
*there is a Trick here, you have to include a Memory area you need to briefly put thhe comes about, so in place of the statement ^300$ you might need to sort:
#show ip bgp regexp (^300$)(_\1)*$
You can additionally show the Filter List before applying it to the neighbor:
#show ip bgp channel record 1
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